
I imagined everybody recognized this by now, but I have experienced two individuals lately who have been creating for the iPhone for a while and who didn't know this, so here it is. Sorry if I'm being Leader Apparent.

If you want to replicate a two-finger action in the iPhone simulation, carry down the choice key. You will get two facts on the screen instead of one. The two facts will standard to grabbing - if you carry the dot better the middle of the screen, the other dot comes toward the middle, generating it simple to replicate a little in or little out.

If you want to do a different two-finger action, get the two facts the range apart that you want them to be, then carry down the switch key, while still having down the choice key. That will secure the location of the two little finger makers together so you can do, for example, a two-finger swipe.

Still don't know a way to do three-or-more little finger actions, or complicated two-finger actions, but the use of the switch and choice key should take care of about 95% of the actions you'd need.


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